Whirlwind HLL

Yeshua came to do the perfect will of the Father: “then He added — ‘Behold, I have come to do your will.’ He does away with the first in order to establish the second” (Hebrews 10:9). Yeshua walked in the Spirit of Life and the revelatory steps of the streams that make the city of God glad that flows from the Tree of Life. He fulfilled the greater Law of Life by being perfectly obedient, which is to perfectly love His Father and others. This flow lines up with the golden stream of God’s Word that comes from His throne.

Yeshua fulfilled the heart of the law when He fulfilled those things written about Him in God’s Word according to the perfect will of the Father: “Then He said to them, ‘These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything *written about Me* in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled’” (Luke 24:44).

We know that Yeshua came against man’s understanding and interpretation of several things in Scripture, like stoning an adulteress, not touching a leper, and what working on the Sabbath really means. Consider that Yeshua actually challenged and did not agree with many laws that were put upon God’s people. These oral laws originated with men who were trying to fulfill His law by fulfilling the letter of the law, but not its heart.

Walking in the same manner as Yeshua did, will cause us to fulfill the golden stream of the Word of God that flows from His throne too (1 John 2:6). The righteousness and justice that’s the foundation and habitation of His heavenly throne has the Living Word as its plumb line and life-giving source (Psalm 97:2).

So the next time you hear that the Lamb of God’s sacrifice on the cross made the Old Covenant obsolete, think again!

YESHUA DID NOT DO AWAY WITH THE SACRIFICE! HE BECAME THE SACRIFICE! There is a difference… a huge difference. Something obsolete or abolished or done away with IS NOT FULFILLED, it is sweep away because it is of no use anymore. Not once did Yeshua proclaim or act in a manner that abolished the law. In fact, He manifested the very opposite: “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17 NASB).

Yeshua filled the entire Ten Commandments full of meaning when He demonstrated that all the Law and the Prophets hang on two commandments: Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself (Matt 22:37-40). If we take Christianity’s common argument that the Old Covenant is obsolete and has been abolished to its logical conclusion, His people become lawless, which is the spirit of the anti-christ. Yeshua’s fulfillment of the Ten Commandments does not sanction being a false witness, murder, and the like on this side of the cross. We are called to walk just like He did.

Yeshua said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). These are the things that He saw His Father doing (John 5:19,30).

Galatians 5:14 tells us that the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Here’s the problem if you do not understand His entire golden stream. If a person violated one of the first five commandments of the Ten Commandments, they sinned against God while the last five deal with sin against a fellow man. When Galatians 5:14 tells us that loving your neighbor as yourself fulfills the whole law, it means that it fulfills the whole law where one would sin against a fellow man. So, let’s all put on our Kingdom of God Thinking Caps, and adjust accordingly. The only things that God rejects and abolishes are things that don’t originate with Him and His perfect character of love.

Love is the manifestation of perfection. Let us all live in LOVE!!!

~ Robin Main

Written April 18, 2014 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

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Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>


Artist Unknown



ring I do

Just as a person becomes more and more intimate with their fiancé, Yeshua marries those who take the time to get to know Him personally. Just as a person only marries one with whom we vow “I DO,” so does Yeshua.

In my personal experience, there is a literal “I DO” ceremony where He comes to you in the Spirit to personally wed you before you are joined to a greater corporate Bride of Christ. After the “wedding ceremony,” we each have to walk out our marriage to Him in our day-to-day life. Each Bridal Step in the Spirit is saying “I DO” over and over and over again.

Just like Yeshua declared: I of my own self can do nothing, but only that what I see the Father DO, so will His Bride function in the perfect will of the Father as whole-hearted lovers. Just like anything else in life, our actions are speaking louder than our words. Just like Yeshua, we will forsake all to completely know Him and the power of His resurrection.

~ Robin Main

Written March 1, 2014 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

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Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>

• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah: Bridal Restoration of DNA book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book =>



Red Radiant

Good question! Here are two more questions to think about as well: If Christians have already been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus here on earth, then we need to ask ourselves: “Why don’t believers demonstrate His righteousness in all we do?” And why would Jesus tell us to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, if we already embody that reality (Matthew 6:33)?

Possibly the best way to answer this question is for you to know that all the Scriptures that contain “in Christ” are heavenly positions that we have access to when we first believe that Jesus came in the flesh and the Father raised Him from the dead. This is an incredible and wonderful reality! The LORD of LOVE also gives us an initial deposit of Himself (see below) here on earth, and it is our job (as good stewards) to grow that initial deposit, so that we can become (be made into) the exact same image as Yeshua. As I mentioned previously, the maturation steps for becoming holy, as He is holy are: [1] salvation [2] sanctification [3] purification. The process of fully becoming (i.e. manifesting on earth) the heavenly position fully paid for on the cross, which is the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, belongs in the purification stage of a believer’s walk. This is not always a clear-cut process, and sometimes our sanctification will bleed over into our purification. Another series of three to consider in all this is: [1] obedience leads to [2] righteousness, which leads to [3] holiness (Romans 6:16,19).

The verse about “righteousness” that Christendom tends to name and claim without realizing its full potential here on earth is 2 Corinthians 5:21. You’ve heard it touted, and it is a good and proper foundation that we all need to begin with: “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.” However, this verse does not say what’s being touted. It says: “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that WE MIGHT BECOME THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM” (2 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV). The Greek verb for “might become” means to begin to be, to come upon a new stage in life, or the process of becoming (to undergo change or development).

Additionally, it is very helpful to understand “FULLNESS” in Scripture. Here are some previous posts about the concept of FULLNESS and the initial 10% DEPOSIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT we receive when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior:

[1] “FULLNESS DEPOSIT” posted on August 21, 2013: 

[2] “FULLNESS IS A 10 % DEPOSIT UNTIL…” Posted September 2, 2013:

The divine Melchizedek/Bridal journey will cause the 10% tithe of the Holy Spirit within His holy blood-bought vessels to grow in amount, magnitude, and degree to the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ, as led by the Spirit of God according to the perfect will of the Father.

Romans 14:17 tells us that “THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS … RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PEACE AND JOY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT.” These three are spiritual dimensions within a person that the Lord seeks to grow within His Kingdom vessels. Remember how the STM Nov 20th post spoke about a DEEP RED mystery of His Kingdom that will be realized by His Crucified Ones (i.e., mature sons)? They will return to their primordial position where their body will be clothed in righteousness, their soul will be completely filled with the shekinah glory of God where it’s the permanent Dwelling Place of God (which is the fullness of the Seven Spirits of God as well as the Nature of Christ), and their spirit will be in constant communion with their Creator? (Refer to Know that one’s body can not be fully clothed with righteousness “UNTIL THE REDEMPTION OF THE PURCHASED POSSESSION (Ephesians 1:14), which from my studies I believe is the filling up of the soul of a person with the 100% fullness of the Seven Spirits of God, which is how Jesus walked in the nature of Christ on earth. 

To Him be the Glory & may we first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness! 

~ Robin Main

Written November 23, 2013 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source.

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• ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters: 24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study book =>

• Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>

• Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah book =>

• Let There Be Light! Hanukkah Meditations book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time.




Winged Army Soldier - photo credit Teus Sonhos em Busca da Vida

Once a person is manifestly joined to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as a New Living Creature, they still need to press on into greater levels of their high calling of God in Christ to be completely ONE not only with God Himself, but with others. This is a divine work which connects the Head – Christ – to His Body that is wrought not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6) as well as at the intersection where His will and your will are one. We need to understand how powerful the crucified concept is of “not My will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). God’s Kingdom comes where His perfect will is heard, understood, and done.

The corporate level of His new creation of the One New Man in Christ is portrayed several ways. Let’s focus on the Living Creature’s wings today. Ezekiel 1:9 tells us that the four living creatures’ wings touch one another as they move straight ahead without turning.

To understand the significance of the New Living Creature’s wings, we need to take a Hebrew peek. The most common and first occurrence of the word “wings” in Scripture is the Hebrew word kanaph (pronounced kaw-nawf’). Strong’s tells us that it’s an edge or extremity, specifically of a wing or an army. This definition really got my attention, because I had just come off a third-heaven group experience where the Great Shepherd (Yeshua) led an excursion to take captivity captive for a group of pastors where the Lord divinely imparted some spiritual equipment to each one of us for our journey: a golden Melchizedek breastplate with triple-concentric circles in the midst, a golden shepherd rod, and a set of wings. Significantly, He told me ahead of time that four people needed to be present for the type of thing that He wanted to accomplish. So when I saw the above definition for kanaph, I immediately received a greater revelation: Kanaph speaks of a precise wing of God’s end-time Melchizedek Army flying by the Spirit with one another.

Next, I flipped over to my Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and looked up the definition for “wing”:

WING ~noun : one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means a creature is able to fly : power of flight : means of flight or rapid progress : a flank of an army : one of the offensive positions on either side of a center position (Christ) : a unit of the U.S. Air Force higher than a group and lower than a division : two or more squadrons of naval airplanes : a dance step marked by quick outward and inward rolling guide of one foot : insignia consisting of an outspread pair of stylized bird’s wings which are awarded on completion of prescribed training to a qualified pilot or aircrew member.

Then I dug even deeper by searching for revelation in the Ancient Hebrew Word Picture of the word kanaph. An Ancient Hebrew Word Picture is when you put the different pictures that the Hebrew letters represent together to understand a deeper meaning of a Hebrew word. BTW – I try not to not lean on my own understanding as I set a Hebrew Word Picture before the Lord in a meditative way. For example: Kanaph’s ancient Hebrew Word Picture looks like – כָּנָף. Let’s break the pictures of kaw-nawf’ down:

כָּ – pictograph of the Hebrew letter “kaf” is a wing or open hand that symbolizes 1) to allow 2) to cover 3) to open.

נָ – pictograph of the Hebrew letter “noon” is a fish darting through the water that symbolizes 1) action 2) life.

ף – pictograph of the Hebrew letter “pey” is a mouth. It symbolizes 1) to speak 2) to open 3) the beginning, like a river.

Having just studied the word “throne” in Scripture, I understood that the picture for “kaf” the wing meant a kingdom covering or being enthroned. Therefore, kanaph’s Ancient Hebrew Word Picture tells us several things: [1] Wings are the beginning of covered (enthroned, kingdom) life and action. [2] Wings speak of kingdom life and action as well as open things up to it. [3] Wings open things by speaking life.

When the wings of the Living Creature touch one another, it is a picture of a wing of God’s end-time Melchizedek Army touching the heart of a matter – or – in other words, a wing of royal priests hitting the bull’s eye of the Father’s perfect will. It portrays God’s Kingdom moving straight ahead when a group of Crucified Ones fly by the Spirit with one another according to His throne. It’s the place where His word goes forth and doesn’t return void, but accomplishes exactly what in the heart of the Father, here on earth as it is in heaven.

What do ya say? Shall we point some wings? Shall His royal priests open things to God’s kingdom life and action?! You betcha!!!

References: Leviticus 27:14; Ezekiel 1, 10; Zechariah 4:6; Matthew 16:24; Luke 22:42; Ephesians 1:4; Philippians 3:14.

~ Robin Main

Written October 29, 2013 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

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• ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters: 24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study book =>

• Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>

• Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah book =>

• Let There Be Light! Hanukkah Meditations book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time.


Photo by Teus Sonhos em Busca da Vida



4 Living Creatures by Mery Alvarado Argandona


The mysterious elements in Scripture are found when we study God’s Word like a man who brings out of his household treasures both old and new. I am going to reveal one of the treasured aspects of the picture the Lord gave when the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and I spontaneously recited in unison: “With this bread and wine, we thee wed.”

BTW – This is a huge key to the unveiling the mysteries surrounding the Order of Melchizedek.

Almighty God handed us a key to a treasure that is connected to the Living Creature portrayed in the faces of Ezekiel 1:10: “As for the likeness of their faces, each had the face of a man; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, each of the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and each of the four had the face of an eagle.”

The Father is represented by the face of the bull or the ox, which is communicated through the ancient Hebrew letter of alef/aleph. The Son is represented by the face of the lion who is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Holy Spirit is represented by the face of the eagle that soars in the Spirit. Finally, put yourself in place of the face of the man; and thus, we see a new revelatory dimension that the four living creatures is a New Living Creature.

The One New Main in Christ has an application on both an individual and corporate level. Individually, you and I, need to be wed in a fourfold way, so that Christ’s Being can be lived out through us by means of the seven Spirits of God according to the perfect will of the Father. For today, let’s hover on the individual application on how God is going to rule and reign in and through His Purified (Crucified) Ones. BTW – We each need to be firing to-the-best-of-our-ability on all cylinders before we connect corporately. The key is to-the-best-of-our-ability for remember His fiery chariot throne is also a throne of grace.

“And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man” (Ezekiel 1:4-5 KJV).

“And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels. When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels” (Ezekiel 1:19-21 KJV).

References: Ezekiel 1; Hebrews 4:16: Revelation 1:4.

~ Robin Main

Written October 27, 2013 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

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• ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters: 24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study book =>

• Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>

• Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah book =>

• Let There Be Light! Hanukkah Meditations book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time.


Photo: Four Living Creatures by Mery Alvarado Argandona. Please support this anointed artist!


The Father’s Blood-Shot Eye Ascension

Eye - Universe-s-eye-eyes-20256308-500-363

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” (Ephesians 1:18 NASB).

Come and See.

Look. There’s a piece of white notebook paper tightly rolled up. We put one eye up to it and look through it, like a TELESCOPE. It’s a really skinny tunnel. Hear the word: “FOCUS.”

We hear the wind of the Spirit say: “I’m bringing you into the “cool” of the day. See a large red cape thrown over us that appears to be like a deep red stream that goes down and then swoops upward. It lands gently and is readily absorbed. It’s a peek-a-boo day. A surprise awaits from the Father – a delight from the Father’s hand. We feel excitement, joy, anticipation and the words “It’s ‘cool!’” from the Spirit. He is excited to deliver this surprise from the Father’s hand.

We see little munchkins dancing around preparing new spiritual technologies that are being released to us. There are miniscule red tiles that fit together, but they’re not in a set pattern. The tiles are dancing around, moving rapidly, moving by the Spirit. They flow like the wind.

Focus goes to one red tile. We move by the Spirit toward one red tile. It has a light red color around the edges and gets darker towards the center. We aim for the darker center. Now, we don’t even see the light red. We enter into the darker red part. We are sucked in willingly.

See each one of us free floating in the dark red. We sense great peace and rest. We are led to tell our souls: “It’s okay. You are okay.” Get the word “freedom.” This dark red place is an amazing place of DEEP REST. It causes so many natural things to be suspended. We become lighter with a sense of weightlessness. It’s a deep, deep weighty glory. NOTHING is too hard in this glory or for this glory. It feels like a gel around us.

See a gigantic finger – the finger of God – scoop us up out of the gel. We are all standing in one droplet of the deep red gel on top of His right index finger. We become ONE now. There is a sense that God is examining us and our purpose for being here. In the gel on His finger, it feels like there is a contact lens in some solution. The deep red tile is concave-shaped.

There is significance to our being on the tip of His finger. There is also a very large difference in size between Him and us. He puts us on like a contact lens in His eye. We sense that we are a magnifier. There’s a different view. It’s all about the view. It’s a two-way view. Both ways are magnified. We can see into Him, and out through His eye. Things that are far off are brought near. The things that we can never reach, the Holy Spirit is allowing us access to the Father. When we look out from this place we see things differently. It can magnify small things and make them large. We are not to despise small beginnings.

The contact lens is the “BLOODSHOT EYE” placed over the apple (i.e. pupil) of His eye. This is a magnified view of what it looks like when we are PERFECT. The contact lens magnifies both ways. His PERFECTIONS will be large and we will see easily. The “perfect” of the Father will be enlarged and will enlarge us.

THIS IS A DEEP MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. IT’S THE “LET THERE BE” OF THE BLOOD. The Breastplate of Melchizedek has three concentric circles. It has an outermost ring the color of sapphire blue, a middle ring of blood red, and the innermost circle pure white. THE MELCHIZEDEK BREASTPLATE IS THE CONTACT LENS FOR THE FATHER’S EYE. IT’S THE FATHER’S BLOODSHOT EYE. Corporately, we are it! We are in that place. We were in the red stream due to His robe of righteousness; and then, He moved us into the CENTER OF THE DEEP RED WHERE WE HAVE DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE FATHER.

Hear: “IT’S ABOUT THE FREEDOMS IN THE DEEP RED.” The contact lens will continue to focus on the freedoms of the deep red, as a telescope. The contact will “tell” and give us “scope,” which is the view. The deep red scoop of His finger magnified TO KNOW HIM.

The look of the lens is one of love and creativity. It gives us magnified insight into what a person really needs from Him to connect (contact) via the seven-fold Spirits of God (Isaiah 11:2 NASB).

The Spirit is showing us how to CONNECT HIS HEAD TO HIS BODY. He is deliberately putting us on. RESTING IN THE FINISHED WORK OF THE CROSS IS THE DEEPEST RED. It felt like we were going in a tube to the back of His eye. We hit the optic nerve, so we can see. Understand that the optic nerve is at the back of an eye and sees according to the light hitting it. We are blood bought. THE TRUE LIGHT IS DEEP RED BLOOD. IT IS THE DEEPEST TRUTH OF LIGHT.

On His eye we have a new heavenly position. Together, as ONE, as a rod positioned horizontally, we move toward the back of His eye toward His optic nerve. Hear: “Catch the light.” See that we are illuminated. Believe that we are in the light (1 John 1:7). We are traveling very fast, yet not at all. The speed of light IS…

He turns His head to the left, as if to focus on something. We hear Him say: “See that you make all things to the pattern I’ve shown you.” The Bloodshot Eye had veins explode, and the blood scattered throughout His eye. The Bloodshot Eye is looking at the vessels that literally exploded out of its walls. When He turned to the left, He was looking at all nations and cultures. We, being blood bought, are being blood shot out of His eye to the four corners of the earth.

~ Robin Main

Written October 11, 2013 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

Originally published =>

~From Corporate One North, 08-30-12, “The Father’s Bloodshot Eye” Group Ascension

P.S. The words and phrases placed in caps highlight concepts particular connected to the Order of Melchizedek.



• ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters: 24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study book =>

• Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>

• Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah book =>

• Let There Be Light! Hanukkah Meditations book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time.


Keys to the Redemption of Our Body – Part 2


“Therefore when he comes into the world, he says, ‘Sacrifice and offering you didn’t desire, But a body did you prepare for me’ … Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come (In the scroll of the book it is written of me) To do your will, God’ ” (Hebrews 10:5,7 HNV).


According to Hebrews 10:5, Yeshua (i.e., Jesus) came into the world for the purpose of the redemption of His Body, which is our body as well. Know that it’s our beautiful Heavenly Father who is preparing a mature body to be placed on Christ’s mature Head (Revelation 1:14). One of the keys to the REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY is highlighted in Hebrews 10:7. If the mature Head — Yeshua — came to do the will of the Father (John 5:19; John 5:30; John 8:28; John 14:30-31; John 15:5), you can bet that His Mature Body will do the same.

In fact, yesterday’s post revealed that a good and just man – Joseph of Arimathaea – who was the only one to have charge of the burial of the Body of Jesus holds some kingdom keys for us today on how to prepare the crucified Body of Christ for the ultimate redemption of our Body. The fine linen that the Body of Christ was wrapped in, the tomb that His Body was lain in that was hewn out of rock, and the stone that was rolled over the tomb’s door all point to the same kingdom reality that a prepared Body for Christ does the perfect will of the Father:

1. Fine Linen – Revelation 19:8 shows us that the clean and white fine linen that arrays the wife of the Lamb is the righteous acts or deeds of the saints.

2. Tomb Hewn out of Rock – Christ’s Church is built upon the rock (Matt 16:18). It’s noteworthy that Matthew 7:24 equates a wise man who built his house on the rock to whoever hears His words and does them.

3. Stone for the Tomb’s Door – Remember that the word for “stone” in Hebrew is a contraction of two words: av = father and ben = son. Therefore, a stone is a picture of the Father and Son being so integrated that you can’t seem to figure out where one begins and another ends. It’s their essence of ONENESS, as proclaimed in John 17:21. Our destiny as God’s people is to walk in the same glory that the Father gave to Yeshua. How did Yeshua glorify the Fat)her on earth? John 17:4 says through accomplishing the work the Father gave Him to do. This is what the fully mature body of Christ (Messiah) does.

Please refer to

Do you see a fundamental building block for the REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY? If believers truly want to become mature sons of God, we must do what Jesus did. We can do nothing, but what we see the Father doing (John 5:19).

James chapter 2 backs up the fact that the righteous deeds of the saints are the essence of our pure and spotless bridal garment: “But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, ‘Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.’ And he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only … For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” (James 2:20-24,26 NKJV).

~ Robin Main

Written August 15, 2013 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!



• ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters: 24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study book =>

• Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>

• Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah book =>

• Let There Be Light! Hanukkah Meditations book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time.
