“The Latter Rain drips down the reverential fear of the Lord.”

~ Robin Main

Written March 8, 2021 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!



• ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters: 24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study book =>

• Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>

• Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah book =>

• Let There Be Light! Hanukkah Meditations book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time.



Melchizedek Heart Space

The Order of Melchizedek has the look and sound of PERFECT, because they are ONE with PERFECTION Himself and the PATTERN SON – Yeshua HaMachiach (Jesus Christ) who is the High Priest of His royal order of priests. Hebrews 7:11 indirectly declares that PERFECTION is by the Melchizedek Priesthood:

“If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood… what further need was there that another priest should rise after the Order of Melchizedek, and not be called after the order of Aaron?” (Hebrews 7:11 KJV)

Many people have a negative concept about PERFECTION, because they think of the onerous burden of being a perfectionist. Please be patient, as we flip this concept on its head and redeem it. Excellence for the King is always a desirable quality, but instead of flowing from a burdensome taskmaster spirit, the look and sound of MELCHIZEDEK PERFECTION flows from a place of rest.

Recall from our last PRACTICAL KEYS TO UNLOCKING MELCHIZEDEK post that the Order of Melchizedek abides in a restful intimate worship stance, as we resonate at the frequency of His word (Please refer to Before Yeshua literally became our all-sufficient sacrifice on the cross, there were different songs sung over the various sacrifices. The Dead Sea Scrolls record that the “Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice” were sung to Melchizedek. This prophetically speaks about the Eternal Order of Melchizedek operating from a position of REST as the Seventh Day Transfigured Son – the One New Man in the Messiah (Matthew 17:1-2; Ephesians 2:15).

So let’s take a closer look at Life’s Pure Perfection that’s now manifesting here on earth, as it is in heaven. The particular type of PERFECTION in Hebrews 7:11 is unique to this verse, and speaks about the completion of prophecy and the verification of its reality.

The original intent of God on Mount Sinai was to make His people a nation of priests – a holy nation – but they rejected this call. Besides Moses, the incident of the Golden Calf caused the uncompromising tribe of Levi to step up to the plate to be intimately acquainted with Him and His ways. BTW – This is a Biblical pattern of the first-born (begotten) being chosen – you and I individually – before a corporate company radically shows that they are for God by whole-heartedly following Him through taking up the cross of their flesh daily to join Him and learning obedience by the things they suffer (Matthew 16:24; Hebrews 5:8).

You’ve probably heard the saying that the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed while the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. I believe that the Melchizedek priesthood has been YHVH original design all along. The Melchizedek Priesthood predates the Levitical one. When Abraham met Noah’s son – Shem – and gave him a tenth of all, the King of Righteousness (Shem) had already set up a priestly order. Shem, the original Melchizedek, had this right being the first King of Salem. See Genesis 14 and I find it interesting that Melchizedek is first identified by his name – King of Righteousness, which is the essence of a completely moral and right character – and then by the place that he was given dominion – King of Salem (i.e., Ancient Jerusalem).

The royal priestly nation of the Order of Melchizedek in this Kingdom Day will fulfill Revelation 11:15, like the first Melchizedek and company did, except this time it’s the time of culmination. In addition to the PERFECTION speaking about the completion of prophecy and the verification of its reality (in Hebrews 7:11), it declares that the Melchizedek Priesthood is a finishing generation, and we are returning to our primordial state (as we were before The Fall in the Garden, only better because we have been redeemed and we freely volunteer to become part of His PRIESTHOOD OF ONE LOVE). We will overthrow the Babylonian kings in our own lives first to make the kingdoms of this earth, the kingdoms of our God.

There are secret keys involving Melchizedek that are hidden in plain sight when we study “nothing” and “no man” and the concepts associated with them in Scripture.

Hebrews 5 reveals a NO MAN’S LAND where priests of the Most High are called by God Himself and ordained by Him for men in things pertaining to God. These royal priests taken from among men have compassion on those lacking knowledge and the wayward due to their own frailties; and thus, they are able to offer up passionate prayers and tearful supplications. They glorify not themselves, but the Father through whom they are begotten sons. As His promised sons, we learn obedience by the things we suffer, so we can be made perfect after the Order of Melchizedek. These are the ones who are heard of the Father, because their reverential fear of the Lord.

Additionally, Hebrews 7 reveals a NO MAN’S LAND where there is a different tribe of people that springs out of Judah and rises after the visible likeness of Melchizedek who gives attendance at Altar of the Most High God. These are the ones who are made after the power of an endless life, because they are easily understood and recognized as manifesting HIS ETERNAL LIVING WORD (law) that’s in their minds and written on the tablets of their hearts (Hebrews 8:10). Please see

Hebrews 7:19 tells us that the law made NOTHING PERFECT. “Nothing” in Scripture is a primordial state that points to us to:

[1] What the dust of our earth (living soul) hangs on (Genesis 2:7; Job 26:7).

[2] What is true (1 Kings 22:16; 2 Corinthians 13:8).

[3] The trying of our faith (Psalm 17:3; James 1:4).

[4] A crucified life and humility (Philippians 1:20; 1 Corinthians 2:2).

[5] The good portion of the Father, which are the treasures hidden in darkness in the secret place of His throne (John 16:23-34; John 18:20; Philippians 4:6).

[6] The Tablets in the Ark of His Presence (2 Chronicles 5:10).

[7] The provision of manna in God’s Wilderness (Numbers 11:6; Deuteronomy 2:7).

[8 ] Priests of the holy royal priesthood of Melchizedek (Malachi 2:6; Hebrews 7:14,19).

This is not an all-inclusive list, but a sampling of the themes related to NOTHING in Scripture, which are related to kingdom priests of the Most High God. That word “perfect” in Hebrews 7:19 paints a picture for the Eternal Order of Melchizedek to focus on the Most High God like a telescope – intently and paying attention to details. It also re-iterates the character of the King of Righteousness.

The word “perfect” in Hebrews 7:19 is also referred in Yeshua’s last instructions to His disciples before He went to the cross: “I in them and thou in Me, that they may be made PERFECT in ONE; and that the world may know that thou hast sent Me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved Me” (John 17:23 KJV). “PERFECT” is the Greek word teleioo, which conveys the notion of being complete, accomplishing, consummating in character, fulfilling, and making perfect. It comes from the Greek word teleios, which communicates a deeper truth of being complete in labor, complete in growth, complete in mental character, complete in moral character, and being of full age, as a mature man or adult son (Eph. 4:13). Diving deeper. The root of both of these Greek words is telos, which connects the concept of fulfilling what it means to be a full age mature son to the idea of setting out for a definite point or goal, the point aimed at as a limit, the conclusion of an act or state (result, purpose), or the uttermost.

Being made after the Order of Melchizedek is a top-down heaven-to-earth arrangement that facilitates one’s utmost character development as well as equipping us for the unlimited royal order of His End-Time Melchizedek Army.

Therefore, to be PERFECT in the Kingdom of God or to walk in MELCHIZEDEK PERFECTION means that His Royal Priesthood sets out for the goal to become just like the Word of God Yeshua, who is the Great High Priest of the eternal Order of Melchizedek in accordance to a restful most-intimate worship stance. Don’t forget that the “Entering His Rest” chapter – Hebrews 4 – which directly precedes the revelation of the Order of Melchizedek culminates with encouraging all of us to come boldly to His Throne of Grace. Great grace is an essential ingredient in us being made PERFECT in ONE.

I think you’re perfect! SEE it and BE it!!!

P.S. NO MAN’S LAND is the place where people daily yield to LOVE and His crucifixion process, which enables their Kingdom of Self to disappear and the Kingdom of God to appear.

P.S.S. The dust of our earth is hung (put to death) on NOTHING. May we BE NOTHING, except Jesus Christ crucified, so we can bear much fruit for without our Beloved King we can DO NOTHING.

~ Robin Main

Written March 25, 2014 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

Originally published =>







• ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters: 24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study book =>

• Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>

• Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah book =>

• Let There Be Light! Hanukkah Meditations book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time.




Glory in Darkness

Focus. Can you see a huge book with Hebrew letters swirling off the page, which represents the Living Word? It’s ready to be released according to God’s perfect will. The words swirl into a pathway, like a conveyor belt. It’s a frequency. Now the words uncoil from the spiral, and go out in a straight line that we follow.

We step into the line and take a ride. We become a part of the golden streaming line, identifying with the words. We eat. We dance. We get entangled in the words. Words of Life adhere to us, and we become ONE. We disappear and become ONE with the essence of the Living Word.

We are at peace, but going very fast, as a golden stream piercing the darkness. It’s making a way where there is no way. This is the Lord’s darkness where light goes in front of us with a singleness of vision.

We ascend again to a higher plain, focusing on the treasure of the Living Word. The stream is preparatory dressing.

We shoot through the top of a mountain, and see all of the heavenly creation. We see free-floating fruit. We are fruit – different and unique – coming together as a new fruit, then we separate again. We hear: “A new cluster” (Isa 65:8). We hear: “Taste and see that the fruit is good.” This is eternal, weightless, unlimited and abiding fruit that shall remain. We hear: “Of the increase of His government, there is no end.” In this place, there can be no sin or iniquity. There is freedom and liberty here. This place above human imagination and speculation is a place where one can be easily sustained.

There’s an updraft again. God laughs, as we go higher and higher into the Father. There is no limit to what we can understand and do. We twist and roll together, as we rise.

The golden stream of Living Word moves past us, and we are deposited stationary before two doors that are tall, thin, seamless, and made of a natural substance. The doors have no handles. On the right side are some unusual swirls, like the line (golden stream). The left door looks like a wall.

We sense that behind the doors is a circular rotunda. The doors open inward when we all reach our right hands. We become ONE with a royal cobalt blue essence that has a weighty “kabod” glory inside. We breathe in. There’s a tonality of the reverential fear of the Lord. We receive an impartation of authority, as a test drive.

We see Yeshua (Jesus) with a blue frequency swirling around Him that appears to be a robe for the Judge. The God of All the Earth does what is right. HE is the only Righteous Judge. HE is able to judge the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Heb 4:12).

We are instructed to read Psalm 19 out loud:

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. THEIR LINE IS GONE OUT THROUGH ALL THE EARTH, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath He set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth from the end of the heaven, and His circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is Thy servant warned : and in keeping of them there is great reward. Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me from secret faults. Keep back they servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright , and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalms 19:1-14 KJV).

There is no floor in this room. We are not standing on our own. The stream of the Living Word that we were in was holding us in that sweeter than honey spot. This Tabernacle is His authority. We are in the REALM OF GOD’S JUSTICE.

We feel a vibration on the top left portion of our head. There’s a zing… zing… zing… We know that we are in the habitation of righteousness and justice – the essence of His throne and kingdom. We sense that our authority in the Messiah is out of this realm. GOD IS RE-WIRING OUR BRAIN FOR JUSTICE. THIS IS A FOUNDATIONAL COMPASS TO KNOWING WHERE TRUE NORTH – ZION – IS. A square patch, like an upgrade chip, is placed on the left reasoning side of our brain. This upgrade ENABLES GOD’S INTERNAL GOVERNMENT, WHICH IS THE PATHWAY OF THE LIVING WORD. THE LIVING WORD IS THE MIND OF CHRIST. In His mind are thoughts that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and of good repute (Phil 4:8). Our brains need to be royally re-wired to align with His justice.

We see a trap door open in the invisible floor, and many of the “beings” in His Rotunda fall out, but we remain. We are now wrapped in a robe of righteousness, which is the Judge’s own robe. His robe (through His Seven Spirits of God) judges the thoughts and attitudes of our heart. His robe of righteousness and justice allows us to remain, because it’s not our own.

This room is the realm of Psalm 19, which is to be desired more than gold. FROM PSALM 19, HIS KINGDOM WILL ADVANCE. The Kingdom of God on earth will not come forth without the reverential fear of the LORD and the Father’s beyond agape love.

~ Robin Main

Written December 14, 2013 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

Originally posted =>

Resource: Corporate One North, 02-22-2012, “Line to Judgment Rotunda” Group Ascension

NOTE: Corporate One North (C1N) is made up of four people who focus on being ONE in the Messiah. Our primary core values are: [1] To seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness (Matt 6:33). [2] To love God and people (Deut 6:4-5; Mark 12:30-31).

BTW – This visionary third-heaven group encounter of the divine kind is one of the things that the Lord of Love has led us to do. When we feel led by His Spirit, we simply focus on Yeshua and ascend by His Spirit to go wherever He so wills. We report only what we see, hear, and perceive on these divine encounter.



• ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters: 24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study book =>

• Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>

• Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah book =>

• Let There Be Light! Hanukkah Meditations book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time.



Beginning is Near

I believe that the biggest end-time battle is actually fought on the soil of SELF. It’s a war between the Holy Three in One (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and the Unholy Threesome of me, myself and I. I say this, because the LORD led me to read the Satanic Bible while doing research for a book that was to be written in total obedience to Him. What truly amazed me was that it was like a self-help book. The doctrine promoted within “The Satanic Bible” is self-indulgence, self-satisfaction, self-gratification, and self-rule. Without going into any more detail, the father of modern Satanism proclaimed: “In this new age, the only moral commandment will be, ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” The Satanic Kingdom can be equated to the Kingdom of Self. What many people don’t realize is that Babylon is focused on SELF as well: “The Babylonians, that ruthless and impetuous people, who sweep across the earth… They are a law to themselves… whose strength is their god” (Hab 1:6,7,11).

Just keep in mind that the Hebrew pictograph (or Word Picture) for the word “pride” tells us that pride is to lift up yourself in your own strength, while the Hebrew Word Picture for “humility” shows us that humility comes when you destroy your wall of  self-protection. Please note that SELF is the key ingredient that determines whether one is full of pride or humility.

As we tore down my wall of self-protection through me staying humble and teachable, He taught me more and more of His glorious irresistible love. I remember crossing the street one day, when it hit me. I told Him with a forlorn tone, “I don’t even know how to love.” His response: “What a good place to start. Finally… we can begin.”

We worked and worked and worked together in a labor of love. Then one day He came to me. He told me that I had done a good job working to destroy my wall of self-protection by trying to stay open and running to Him for shelter in life’s storm; then He placed a thorn in my heart, and told me that this is what I needed for the wall of self-protection in me to be completely destroyed. That was in 2002.

I had forgotten about the thorn that Love had placed in my heart until January of 2012.

I’d prefer to sum up the situation in a few lines, but I must yield to revealing a greater amount of detail because this is what He desires. Let me just preface that we can and should work at destroying our walls of self-protection (as unto the LORD), but our final deliverance comes through a crucifixion process.

The LORD had led me to be in silent servant mode for several years in the congregation that my family attended for 15 years. Prior to being released to go to a Sunday Night Prophetic Prayer Gathering, My Love told me that when I step out in my apostolic-prophetic-teaching anointing again that I was going to get hit. So… I was on high alert. There was an open mic that night, but knowing that something was probably coming I okayed what I was getting from the LORD with the lead pastor before I stepped out. He assured me that it was an open mic led by the Spirit, so I led a prayer for a friend who had just lost his father. I thought: “Okay. That wasn’t so bad.” Then the lead pastor got up and started sharing what God gave him. I got a sinking feeling, because what the LORD gave me in the car ride over there perfectly dovetailed with what he was sharing.  I recognized the Holy Spirit’s scarlet cord. So… I sauntered over to a good mature friend, and told her my dilemma. She assured me that if God gave it to me then just obey. So… I swallowed hard. Pulled up my breeches to rein in any fear and released da LOVE.

My piece was very simple and small. I told all present that night that we can all experience God. We can all see, hear, and perceive what the Spirit of the Lord is saying, according to the gifts deposited in each one of us. All we need to do is get in right alignment. By our will, we all can choose to have our bodies submit to our souls, our souls submit to our spirits, and our spirits submit to the Holy Spirit. I was also led to say that our spirit intersects with our soul at our will. That’s why not my will, but Thine be done is such a powerful kingdom concept. So let’s do this, so Thy Kingdom come! Thy will be done!

I finished my little part, and was relieved that I was still in one piece. I thought maybe I had heard the LORD wrong, until I went to the back of the room. After I hugged a girlfriend, and told her how much Jesus loved her, I stepped back to enter into a prayerful stance when I noticed that there was a shadow to the left of me, so I stepped to my right to avoid it. As I did, I felt my left arm being grabbed real hard and then I was being shook around like a rag doll. After the other pastor shook me, he raged at me and told me that he didn’t want me ministering to anyone. I was so calm inside, as I stared in amazement at a Jezebel Spirit that was manifesting right in front of my eyes. I remember being more concerned with the spiritual than the natural at the time. As I told him, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve okayed what I was doing with the lead pastor,” he stormed away, as I sunk into the back wall, stunned, to say the least. When both pastors came to get me, I was still checking in with the LORD trying to understand what was going on. When the lead pastor pointed at me and said, “I will have no division in my church. You two work it out.” I thought something like: “Great… I’m being thrown into the lion’s den.”

I went with the pastor who just abused me into the foyer. The first thing he said was “I am the door you must come through me.” I just stared that man down. Incensed that He would defame My Love’s Word like that and use it as an excuse to abuse someone, especially when there were so many young people in the church. When I didn’t budge and didn’t appear to be afraid, the pastor came to himself for a moment and said, “I mean Jesus is the door.” Then he flipped backed to being controlled by Jezzy and proclaimed, “But you must come through me.”

I had been previously taught by Love that when someone inserts themselves into your life for evil or destruction, you have the right in the Spirit to insert yourself in their life to bring about their redemption. It’s a glorious way to overcome evil with good. So… that is what I was led to do that entire night at church.

Long story, short, I tossed and turned all night. Love keep on telling me to run into Him, and to stay open to Him. It took all my will to do so, because I literally wanted to run inside myself and hide. About 3:00 PM the next afternoon I finally couldn’t take it any longer, and I cried out from the depths of my being: “Lord!!! I can’t take this any longer! Please!!! Help me!” Immediately, a searing bright laser light descended from heaven and burned a layer off me. I just knew that my final layer of self-protection was gone; then I remembered the thorn that Yeshua had placed in my heart. In hindsight, I knew that the thorn eventually attracted a crucifixion experience, but I also felt the reverential fear of the Lord with the message of “woe” to the man through whom it would come. This experience could have actually delivered him too, but I discovered in this experience that by the time an authority figure abuses another person publicly they are pretty far gone. Repentance and redemption were available and I was praying my heart out, but he was too busy trying to keep me in line and keep their own kingdom intact to look at their own heart and actions. Please note: Our message to others means nothing if we don’t love others first and foremost.

There was a time in my life that I needed self-protection in hurtful and abusive situations. It’s actually a way God has designed all of us to survive when we don’t know what else to do. But now I choose LOVE. I choose humility. I choose to be teachable. I choose my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer, My God in whom I can trust.  

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things” (1 Cor 13:11 NKJV).

All Kingdom Hearts who are growing into the image of His mature Body will grow beyond the darkness of the Kingdom of Self. If one looks in the dictionary, there are over 100 words with the word SELF in front of them. Each one can be thought of as steps up a Babylonian ziggurat (pyramid) to exult SELF. Self-protection is just one of these steps, but… oh… what a stumbling stone.

The first verse I memorized at Big Sky Bible Camp after I was saved at 7-years-old was John 3:16. The second verse was Job 23:10: “But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.” Keep on pressing onward & upward to the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus, Dear Heart. You shall come forth as gold!

~ Robin Main

Copyright September 27, 2013 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main

Originally published =>



• ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters: 24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study book =>

• Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters book =>

• Set of Hebrew Living Letter Flash Cards =>

• Ascension Manual book =>

• Understanding the Order of Melchizedek: Complete Series book =>

 MEL GEL Study Guide book =>

• MEL GEL Study Guide: Volume 2 book =>

• Blazing New Wine of Hanukkah book =>

• Let There Be Light! Hanukkah Meditations book =>

• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time.
