In this Kingdom Day, We are to Offer our Hearts like Zebulun

Lighthouse - White-puffy-cloud-a-heart-or-whale-Pigeon-Point-Lighthouse-@-sunset

First of all, please note if you desire to have greater clarity to the prophetic Kingdom Day in which we now live, study the phrase “third day” in Scripture. For those of you unfamiliar with this concept, meditate upon: If “with the Lord one day is as a thousand years” (2 Peter 3:8), then we have entered the third day since Christ walked this earth.

Now, let’s look at how Scripture shows us that on the third day, the tribe of Zebulun was instructed by God to bring the tribal offering for the dedication of His Altar:

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Let them present their offerings, one leader each day, for the dedication of the altar.’ On the third day it was Eliab the son of Helon, leader of the sons of Zebulun” (Numbers 7:11, 24).

The dedication ceremony for God’s Altar is a picture of the way God’s people can enter His Dwelling Place. Understand that when we dedicate something, we [1] devote it to the worship of a divine being, [2] set it apart for sacred uses, and [3] commit to a goal or way of life.

In the Old Testament, the Altar in God’s Tabernacle/ Temple represented the hearts of the people. The word “heart,” in Ancient Hebrew, is a word picture that tells us that the heart is what controls the family or the heart controls that which is on the inside. If the Israelite’s hearts were not right in trying to obey and walk humbly before their God, their sacrifices meant nothing.

If we are to dedicate our hearts like Zebulun, what does that mean? Jacob prophesied over his son: “Zebulun shall dwell at the seashore; and he shall be a haven for ships” (Genesis 49:13). The name Zebulun means dwelling place. It also means flashing light. Zebulun was to be a keeper of the lights of the harbor. In Ancient Hebrew, the word “dwell” means the work of returning (to our primordial state, as in the garden of Eden) and it also means to have a house.

If you research the Hebrew meaning of the word “dwell” in the Strong’s Concordance, you see the word “shakan” (pronounced shaw-kan). Shakan is a primary root word and its meaning is akin to transmutation through the idea of lodging. When we behold (hold) Him, we shall become like Him. I looked up the word “transmutation” in my dictionary. It means to change or alter in form or nature, especially to a higher form; for example, conversion of base metals into gold or silver. A synonym for the word transmutation is the word transform.

Please allow me show you that in this Kingdom Day, the All Sufficient, All-Powerful, All-Knowing God will strengthen us as we make Him our dwelling place. As we settle in(to) Christ, we will return to our primordial state as in the garden; and, He Himself, the King of Glory will twist or roll His Body together.

When Zebulun presented their offerings for the dedication of the altar (Numbers 7:24), Eliab the son of Helon was chosen in Moses’ day. Eliab’s name firstly means “God of his father.” So what does his father name mean? Helon means to be strong or a force such as an army, wealth, virtue, strength. (For more information about loving God with all your strength, please refer below.)

Specifically, this force/strength is a dance or it means to writhe in pain (i.e. fellowship in His sufferings). Figuratively this force or strength means to wait as in “be still and know I am God,” to bear, to bring forth or to travail (birth). It also means to twist or whirl in a circular, spiral manner. This is interesting, because the root meaning of Eliab’s name is the Hebrew word “uwl,” which so far has been an unused root and means to twist or roll the body together.

The definition of “twist” in the World Book Dictionary includes to turn with a winding motion, revolve, interweave, to connect closely together or associate intimately. As a noun, “twist” means a spiral line or pattern, a spin or twirl, or (get this!) a cord, thread, or strand formed by twisting fibers, yarns, etc. This is the thread that the Lord is using to knit His people together. The thread is each individual part, you and I, working properly according to the leading of the Spirit of the Living God. It’s a heavenly strand of DNA:

“holding to and walking in the truth in love, we are growing up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held (knitted) together by what every joints supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love” (Ephesians 4:15-16 NASB).

I had a vision where I saw Yeshua different than ever before. He had a chiseled appearance like an Academy Awards Oscar statute. He was entirely dark, in fact black in appearance, except for royal blue highlights. I believe that the color black symbolizes the secret things hidden in darkness (Isaiah 45:3) as well as Yeshua being the Definitive One, and royal blue represents revelation. Below Yeshua’s chest was a square opening like a door. (I saw nothing below His waist.) I came to Him in the vision, and was fitted perfectly into the very chamber that was below His heart just like a dovetail joint in a chest of drawers. We were literally connected in an embrace – the two becoming one.

As soon as we were joined together, we started to spin in a circular motion – to twist. The circular spin rolled into an upward spiral going higher and higher. I then saw a sinister figure that I knew was a principality. We whirled right past him – higher and higher – so high above the principality that he no longer knew where we were. The scene then changed to Yeshua in a courtroom – the Judge. I saw Him straighten His arm and point His finger; then I saw that I was tucked in the chamber under His heart, which looked like a doorway. When Yeshua pointed, I saw that I pointed as well, perfectly synchronized with Him.

Jesus, “the Judge,” which in Ancient Hebrew “judge” is a picture of the door to life, taking us higher to be one with Him. “Eden” in Ancient Hebrew means to see the judge or to see the door of life – Yeshua. We will behold Jesus as we offer our hearts as a daily sacrifice by spending intimate time with Him. Before a bride gets married, she is consumed with her lover – thoughts, conversations, hopes and dreams.

We will become that Dwelling Place for the King (Revelation 3:12; Revelation 21:3). We will manifest what the Strong’s definition of “dwell” says: to lodge, permanently stay, abide, have a habitation, lie down for rest or intimacy, ravish, and decease from any other purpose at all.

Won’t you make room for Him in your inn?

On this prophetic third day, Almighty God will strengthen us as we make Him our dwelling place; and He Himself, will twist or roll His Body together, as we rest in Him. In other words: As we dwell with Him, He will twist and roll us together individually.


Let’s take this picture to another level — a corporate level. Not only do we want to build a dwelling place for the King, but we want to inhabit or dwell there too. This requires that we always keep our eye on becoming the Bride of Christ. So in your mind’s eye, picture a woman twisting and rolling upward. Picture the heavenly formation of the Bride of Christ on earth. In this Kingdom Day, as we dwell with HIM, HE will twist and roll us together corporately.

Esther chapter 2 talks about the one who twists and rolls the Bride together is her Father. By the way, this is the meaning behind the name of Esther’s father “Abihail.” In Esther 2:15, Esther required NOTHING but what the king’s chamberlain appointed to come to the king. My Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary tells me that a chamberlain is a servant or attendant on a sovereign or lord in his bedchamber. A chamberlain was the curator of the most intimate, a chief officer in the household of the king, and a treasurer. As the king’s treasurer of his liege’s most precious possessions, the chamberlain was the officer entrusted with the king’s resources, which is equivalent to the Bridal Love Portion of loving God with all your strength. Please refer to “Here Comes the Bride“

~ Robin Main

Written September 25 2013 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

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