Revelations of Metatron - No Date

Recently, I received a question from a person who came out of a strong New Age healing background. Her question was: Where does my information about Metatron come from? Because she said that Metatron is not in the Hebrew Scriptures. My answer: Metatron is Biblical. It’s just hidden in the ancient Targum Pseudo-Jonathan translation of Genesis 5:24 which reads: “Enoch worshiped in truth before the Lord, and behold he was not with the inhabitants of the earth because he was taken away and he ascended to the firmament at the command of the Lord, and he was called Metatron, the Great Scribe.” Metatron is also in Sefer Hekhalot (The Book of Palaces, also known as the Third Book of Enoch, or the Hebrew Book of Enoch), which recounts the ascent and divine transformation of the biblical figure Enoch into “the angel, the Prince of the Presence” – METATRON (3 Enoch 3).

Know that the Enoch Tradition actually underlies most of the New Testament. Enoch is a forerunner for our day. Basically, at one level, we can think about “Metatron” being a title for the people (those made in God’s image – Gen. 1:26) that’s given to those who have become totally (100%) transformed into the image of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ). These beloved souls have truly forsaken the world to become a precious part of the Messiah Perfected Body where God Himself will cause those who walk with God, like Enoch, to literally be clothed with immortality. Refer to 2 Enoch 22.

Many times, there is a fine line between Satan’s counterfeit and YHVH’s truth. This is one of those times. Always discern things by Spirit and Truth. Scripture instructs us to keep that which is good, and throw away that which is evil. The True Metatron – the Perfectly Mature Head of the Messiah (Yeshua) and His Perfectly Mature Body – is one of the most glorious keepers of all!

To learn more about this glorious mystery, everyone is invited to check out the “Revelations From Metatron” Conference. Recordings are available for purchase at

Give em heaven!!!
Robin Main

Written October 31, 2018 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!



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