Melchizedek Army

Ruins?! Restoring what ancient ruins? Why… The Tabernacle of David, which is the House of Melchizedek of course! Behold, the Corporate One New Man in the Messiah (Christ) are His mighty sons in the midst of His throne at the right hand of the Majesty.

“After this I will return and will rebuild the Tabernacle of David, which are fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up; so that the rest of mankind may seek YHVH, even all the Gentiles who are called by My name, says the YHVH who does all these things.” (Acts 15:16-17 NKJV).

The Melchizedek Section of the Dead Sea Scrolls (11Q13) refer to these mighty sons of His right hand as the righteous sons of light or the congregation of the sons of righteousness. We are told that they are anointed of the spirit. They will proclaim jubilee to the captives, and they will establish His righteous kingdom by taking their place in the council of God. Stick with me, because it Scripturally bears out that the author of “The Coming of Melchizedek” section of the Dead Sea Scrolls declares this agent of salvation to be the mysterious figure of Melchizedek of Genesis 14 and Psalm 110 fame who proclaims universal liberty:

“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.” And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations” (Isaiah 61:1-4 NKJV).

Recall from our last MELCHIZEDEK ARISING post that the sons of righteous function as prophets, priests, and kings in the Order of Melchizedek. These are the ones who are strong, know their God, and carry out great exploits of the greater works in this Kingdom Day (Daniel 11:32; John 14:12).

Keep in the forefront of your mind that Melchizedek is the King of Righteousness. Romans chapter 1 speaks of the righteousness of Yah that is revealed from faith to faith in the gospel of the Messiah. Without going into a lengthy explanation please note the steps of the faith that Abraham walked in (Romans 4:12) are laid out in Second Peter 1:5-9; and notice that James tells us that Abraham’s faith was working together with his works so that by works his faith was made perfect.

The Mighty Men/Woman of Valor of the Tabernacle of David also show the fullness of their faith through the works they do that they first see their Heavenly Father doing (John 5:19; James 2:17-18). It was in Abraham’s completed faith where Scripture was fulfilled: “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness” (James 2:23).

If we dig into the Hebraic root on what it means to be righteous, we discover that RIGHTEOUSNESS IS A STATE OF BEING WHERE OUR FAITH LINES UP WITH WHAT WE DO. This reality for Manifested Sons is portrayed by David’s Mighty Men, and is the next Scripture that contains ‘arak ORDER – First Chronicles 12. ‘Arak is found four times in this chapter (1 Chronicles 12: 8,33,35,36), which points to creation and the Messenger of the New Living Creature who is the Corporate One New Man in the Messiah.

If we solely look at the Mighty Men of David from the Tribe of Benjamin who were ambidextrous marksmen hitting the bull’s eye of righteousness by doing the Father’s perfect eternal will here on earth as it is in heaven, we see a picture of a great company of people who follow the Patterned Son where Abba is revealed by the works that they do (1 Chronicles 12:1-7):


* “Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe. THE WORKS THAT I DO IN MY FATHER’S NAME, THEY BEAR WITNESS OF ME” (John 10:25 NKJV).

* “Most assuredly, I say to you, HE WHO BELIEVES IN ME, THE WORKS THAT I DO HE WILL DO ALSO; AND GREATER WORKS than these he will do, because I go to My Father” (John 14:12 NKJV).

I am going to let the names of the Mighty Men of Valor from the Tribe of Benjamin speak for themselves, because every time these strong sons of His right hand went into battle, their names proclaimed their essence:

[1] AHIEZER (Achiyezer) was the brother of help who was chief among the ambidextrous Mighty Men of David. The Ancient Hebrew Word Picture for his name speaks: “Behold, the Father’s piercing work that reveals the highest and most important work to be seen, understood, and experienced.”

[2] JOASH (Yowash) was second to the chief and his name declares: “The consuming eternal fiery work of the One who sits on the throne that’s portrayed in the face of the ox (Father) and the face of the lion (El Shaddai – the Almighty).”

[3] JEZIEL (Yezarel): “A sprinkling of Yah making secure the piercing work of both the Father and the Shepherd, which propels one forward.”

[4] PELET (Palat): “The Shepherd’s staff speaks to open a way of deliverance from the snake that surrounds.

[5] BERACHAH (Berkah)” “Behold, the blessing of the Head opening Hs Body to the Kingdom to show His people what is highest and most important inside.”

[6] JEHU (Yehuw): “Behold, the work of the Father that opens the window of revelation over one’s head and reveals how He joins all things together.”

[7] ISMAIAH (Yishmayah): “Behold, El Shaddai reveals the mighty and massive work to be seen, understood, and experienced that shows what can be consumed and what comes down from the Almighty (All-Sufficient One).”

[8] JEREMIAH (Yirmeyah): “Behold, the most vehement person who rises and does the highest and most important work that mightily comes down from on high.”

[9] JAHAZIEH (Yachaziyel): “Behold, the piercing work of the Shepherd who reveals Abba’s strength and love.”

[10] JOHANAN (Yochanon): “Priests of the Most High have an open window over their heads (heavenly) so they can rightly divide (pierce) the works that joins and secures to life and action.

[11] JOSABAD (Yowzabad): “Piercing to discern the way of life for the household and making His family secure by doing the works of the Door of Life.”

[12] ELUZAI (Eluwzay): “The work of the Shepherd is to pierce to the joining together, so the Father’s deeds are seen, understood, and experienced that urge people forward.”

[13] JERIMOTH (Yerimowth): “Behold, a person who ascends and does the double-portion work that shows what’s the highest and most important as well as revealing what comes from being joined to the nailed hands on high.”

[14] BEALIAH (Bealyah): “Behold, the works of His Body where the Shepherd urges them forward by His rod and staff, and where His family is clearly revealed and understood through the deeds they do.”

[15] SHEMARIAH (Shemaryah): “Behold, the highest and most important work of a mighty man of valor that comes from the All-Consuming Fore (El Shaddai).”

[16] SHEPHATIAH (Shephatyah): “Behold, this is the work that surrounds El Shaddai that opens things to the All-Consuming Fire.”

[17] ELKANAH (Elqanah): “Behold, the Father and the Shepherd together reveal what actions are unto the least of these that propels people forward and reveals what if final.”

[18] JESIAH (Yishshiyah): “Behold, El Shaddai reveals His fiery double-portion works.”

[19] AZAREEL (Azarel): “What is first and most important to the Father is seen, understood, and experienced in the piercing of the Shepherd and urges us forward in His strength.”

[20] JOEZER (Yowezer): “The most important piercing work can be clearly seen, understood, and experienced that makes a person secure in what’s highest.”

[21] JASHOBEAM (Yashobam): “El Shaddai’s family is seen, understood, and experienced through their mighty and massive deeds done.”

[22] JOELAH (Yowelah): “Behold, the secured work of the Shepherd that shows what is first where our Heavenly Father is seen, understood, and experienced.”

[23] ZEBADAIH (Zebabyah): “Behold, the pierced work that reveals the Door to the way of life for His Body.”

Twenty-one out of these 23 names contain the tenth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet yood (‘), which is a pictograph of a closed hand and communicates: to work or a deed done. The great exploits of the sons of His right hand – you and me – will reveal that the Father has sent us, and they will bear witness that we truly are sons, kings and priests of our Father which is in heaven.

Works never ever precedes faith, but please do not throw out the works that flow out of a life of faith that the Father gives to His Mighty Men (and Woman) of Valor to finish:

“If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him” (1 John 2:29 NKJV).

“Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous” (1 John 3:7 NKJV).

~ Robin Main

Written May 30, 2014 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

Originally published =>


MELCHIZEDEK RISING series: Every occurrence of the Hebrew word ‘arak (i.e. ORDER) tells us about various realities of our Melchizedek Kingdom Function. This MELCHIZEDEK RISING series illuminates these findings of our divine call as priests of the Most High God. We will be following the Spirit’s lead as explore some different facets to His new MELCHIZEDEK ORDER RISING.






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