Cry by Irina Rempel

Have you ever contemplated the shortest verse in the Bible: “Jesus wept” (John 11:35)? Have you ever considered what makes Jesus wept? Have you ever intently focused on Him and asked Him?

I had a personal face-to-face epiphaneous encounter with Yeshua in 1998. He came to me weeping, as Messiah Yeshua told me that “The mixture of Christmas grieves My heart.” As I reeled at His Presence and this earth-shattering revelation with my Christmas Tree in the next room, He continued: “Come out of Babylon and lay down Christmas, for I will have a pure and spotless Bride.” Yeshua strongly emphasized “I will.” (Refer to and

A dear friend in the UK who loves Jesus to the max decided to find out for herself. Esther focused intently on the faces of Father, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit and asked: “What do you REALLY, REALLY think about Christmas?” The Father told Esther: “Ask Jesus, as it’s to do primarily about Him.” So, Esther laid down her own personal desires and focused intently again, but this time she zeroed in solely on Yeshua. Esther desperately sought Yeshua three times: “How do you feel about Christmas, Jesus?” as she kept staring in His beautiful face. When suddenly, Yeshua walked toward Esther and gave her a kiss; and then, He buried His face in Esther’s shoulder and sobbed. He sobbed and sobbed and sobbed!

What if the very thing we think celebrates Yeshua, actually grieves Him?

The shortest verse in the Bible “Jesus wept” is an invitation to personally connect to the One that we say we love – Yeshua – in the place where He weeps. Will you allow yourself to see Him as He really is? Will you allow yourself to be moved in your spirit, even be greatly disturbed, as He is/was (John 11:33)?

In this Kingdom Day, resurrection life is coming to the forefront and manifesting, which minimally requires His people to sees what grieves His heart and come out of agreement with the things that do. I will write more on this later. For now, just know that the mature head of the Body of the Messiah – Yeshua – cannot and will not connect to anything that it not like Him. Forget about your traditions. Forget about paradigms and opinions. Forget about social pressure. Forget about the intoxicating emotional yuletide cocktail. Forget about everything, except knowing Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering (Phil. 3:10).

Will you share in the fellowship of His suffering by looking intently into Yeshua’s eyes and asking Him (like Esther did): “How do you feel about Christmas?” It’s literally one of the most important questions you can ask Him that’s related to you personally manifesting resurrection life. Here’s to this mortality taking on immortality!

Give em heaven!!!
Robin Main


Written November 27, 2018 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source.


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• SANTA-TIZING: What’s wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up book => was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearthing His Truth in the sands of time. It covers every argument that you have ever heard about Christmas.

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PHOTO by Irina Rempel
